Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Movie Preview: Good Luck Chuck

editor's note: for more information on this idea that i completely stole, click here

here is dane cook's latest assault on the american public. (THERE'S ONLY ONE OCTOBER!) the early commercials for this movie left me somewhat confused, as in, i wasn't sure if i was seeing a preview for an actual movie or old clips of the three stooges. i mean, i like physical comedy as much as the next guy, but it looked like it was going to be 90 minutes of just that. but it's like, actual words are good too, y'know? however, the latest commercials suggest some token semblance of a plot, like perhaps cook's character has to learn some valuable life lesson before he can get the girl, or something. ultimately, this is more or less just a vehicle for dane's tired/lifted jokes and an excuse to get jessica alba on the big screen. not that the latter is necessarily a bad thing, though.

prediction: 5/10


Anonymous said...

As I read this post, all I can think of is... where's my next guest post?

Back to the topic though, I don't think the movie will be all that great. I don't think I will make any effort to see it, but I probably wouldn't say no if someone else wanted to watch it.

creasy bear said...

the next guest post is on the way very soon, i promise. and it will be well worth the wait i can assure you.