Saturday, August 11, 2007

Everyday really should be Saturday

I am somewhat torn on the existence of preseason polls. On the one hand, given that the final polls ultimately determine the National Champion, the idea that some teams are given preferential ranking even before taking the field seems a rather unfair advantage. On the other hand, they make good business sense, as early games can be more easily marketed and arguably achieve higher ratings because a game is billed as a "Top 10 Matchup," for example, when it otherwise couldn't have been. And since this is, after all, a business, preseason polls are probably here to stay.

So, accepting the necessary evil that they are, I offer a preseason rankings of my own. I'll be updating my Top 25 during the season every Monday after the week's action. In later posts I'll offer previews for each of the six BCS conferences, the Mountain West (because I attended a MWC school), and Temple.

Preseason Top 25 (with 2006 record):

1 USC (11-2)
2 LSU (11-2)
3 Florida (13-1)
4 Virginia Tech (10-3)
5 Texas (10-3)
6 West Virginia (11-2)
7 Oklahoma (11-3)
8 Rutgers (11-2)
9 Louisville (12-1)
10 California (10-3)
11 Wisconsin (12-1)
12 Boise State (13-0)
13 Nebrask (9-5)
14 Michigan (11-2)
15 Georgia Tech (9-5)
16 Ohio State (12-1)
17 Georgia (9-4)
18 Florida St. (7-6)
19 Tennessee (9-4)
20 UCLA (7-6)
21 TCU (11-2)
22 South Florida (9-4)
23 Arizona (6-6)
24 BYU (11-2)
25 Auburn (11-2)

Yeah, I can't believe I have three Big Least teams in the Top 10 either.

By the way, the post title is a reference to the greatest college football blog ever. It's listed in my links to other blogs. If you've never visited, you should. Like right now would be a good time.


limeade said...

I really have nothing to say regarding your college rankings. I will say this however. I have just brought another one of my blogs back from the dead. I will now have a tablet on which to etch my profound commentary:

the happy ninja said...

i see that limeade has left his droppings on your blog too. anyway, i really can't disagree with any of your picks. i'm actually glad to see that byu is ranked 24th, even without beck. i didn't know that they're still good. and south florida? i had no idea that they are good as well. i'm actually going to the byu-ucla game. it should be good considering your rankings.